
Showing posts from April, 2023


Last month i wrote lil hot/not list for NUDA paper's newsletter (fashionblogs for companies). their first one was with  Natasha Stagg  and i was invited to write the  next : HOT: SPACE THERAPY LOW KEY GLAMOUR SHITPOSTING NOT: DRESSING DOWN ARTISTS TELLING PEOPLE WHAT TO DO HOT: SPACE THERAPY With the ★star★ being the symbol of our generation and the indie sleaze/tumblr nostalgia taking on, it would be rude not to mention space. A word gotten lost because it has been refereres to as something you create/take/need. I’m talking SPACE as in the UNIVERSE, MILKY WAYS and GALAXIES. Last year, my stoner lifestyle came with a mania for black holes which expanded to an obsession with the whole universe. My advice in hard times is to watch the 29 minute “timelapse of the future” on YouTube. It takes you through the universe till the end of time. That’s some real trend forecasting. Our time on earth is a total 0,0000001 mili sec of the total lifetim...