smoking is O?"?"="OUUT!?"=

 hi its me

my life is full of drama cus i live in xtania now

the most dramatic place on earth

so never have time for the freudian slip dress

i pray the drama will end soon 

can i just be a fabolous hippie and live my life 

but i am checking in to to say this..........

maybe the most non-blog thing to write on a blog 

and in those indie sleaze times its almost a crime BUT

i just came back from nyc (again) !!!

went to sustain for the 2nd time and spent two weeks in manhatten

as per usual i was living my best life in the US

and something happened 

something very interesting


i stopped smoking?


i was walking around manhatten and the urge to roll a ciggie and smoke it had suddenly vanished

have been smoking since i was 13 (countryside ppl will understand)

i smoke in my bed its the first and last thing i do in a day

and then i just quit?

something about nyc that makes me want to change

i am vaping now till my diamond vapes run out

gonna get some fab bandaids and those fake ciggies

cant believe i am writing this

but smoking is out



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